Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Writer’s Workbook #9

Can I just catch a break…
I need a break from life. There is too much to do and too much to keep track of. I can’t keep it all straight half the time. Really it’s not all that stressful, but I’ve become bored of the everyday routine of wake up, go to school or work, come home and do more work, go to sleep and repeat. I need a break from the schedule, the pattern. I need to get away and enjoy myself, without the worries of this life weighing down on me.

Maybe I don’t need a break from life per say, but I do from this life. From this box of modern society that my existence will be a strict progression of student to working class. I know there’s more potential for my life than just following the fate lined up for so many people. I know that the world is rich with adventures and experiences, and that it’s just waiting for someone to try and achieve it all.

I don’t need a break from existence. I need a break from mundane life routines. I need a way to escape this pattern and go out into the world, ready to try and learn as much about it as I can. I’m ready to explore and discover and absorb all the wonders that are out there.

I’m stuck in this life, cemented to a train heading down a track of more day to day life. I pass different path forks all the time, and have taken very few of them. I am not conducting this train, even though it is my path. My options are to either tear myself from what has me concreted in place or to take control. I think it’s time I grabbed hold of the gears myself.

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